Note: This is for moving Windows installation of Footprints 12.x or 20.x with SQL server It may also be desirable to move the database FootPrints 12 or 20 uses to a new database server in conjunction with moving the application. If so, the database can be moved before or after the move of the application to a new server. Steps to move the database can be found in the following articles:
MS SQL Server: Knowledge Base article 000011056. PostgreSQL: Knowledge Base article 000011128.
In the steps below, C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints refers to the base install location of FootPrints. By default, this would be C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints on a Windows server. When performing the steps below, please adjust the path accordingly for the actual base install location of FootPrints in your environment.
- Install FootPrints on the new application server. Use this article to configure tomcat and Java/JDK for 12.x-20.x:- Footprints 12.1.X - 20.XX How to configure Tomcat for Footprints Windows
NOTE: Before installing, ensure the version of FootPrints on the new application server and the old application server are EXACTLY the same.
- Stop Tomcat on the new application server if it is running after the installation. This should be listed as Apache Tomcat 7 /Tomcat 8.5/Tomcat 9 (under Start -> Administrative Tools -> Services).
- If the database is also going to be moved, rename the following folders from the new application server, if the database is not being moved, these folders can be deleted:
C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints\conf C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints\repository
- Copy the following folders from the old FootPrints application server to the new FootPrints application server:
C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints\conf C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints\repository
- Update the following files on the new FootPrints application server: NOTE: When editing the files listed below, it is acceptable to use forward slashes (/) in any file paths (on Windows and Linux)
- - (located in C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints\conf)
- Verify all path values point to the "log" folder under the newly installed FootPrints installation folder.
Example: log4j.appender.rollingFileAppender.File=C:/Program Files/BMC Software/FootPrints/logs/footprints.log
- Verify the DatabaseStaticMappingsLocation value points to the conf/mappings folder under the new FootPrints installation folder.
Example: DatabaseStaticMappingsLocation=C:/Program Files/BMC Software/FootPrints/conf/mappings
- Verify the database connection URL is correct. If you are just moving the FootPrints application server, then the database connection URL is probably already correct. However, if the database has been moved already before performing these steps to move the application, be sure to point the connection to the new database server.
Example: DatabaseConnectionUrl=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://hostname:1433/database-name;instance=instancenameDatabaseConnectionUrl=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<hostname>:<port>/<databasename>;instance=<sql_instance_name>
- Update the file storage repository location in the database. Using SQL Server Management Studio execute the following SQL statement. Make sure to change the schema name hard coded in the query (fpscdb001_system in the example below) to the correct value for the new FootPrints application server. Also, change the path to the repository (C:/Program Files/BMC Software/FootPrints/repository in below update statement) to the correct value for the new FootPrints application server.
update fpscdb001_system.cfg_setting_valset string_val = 'C:\Program Files\BMC Software\FootPrints\repository'where cfg_setting_id = (select cfg_setting_id from fpscdb001_system.cfg_setting where cfg_setting_const = 'fileStorageLocation')
- NOTE: Before starting Tomcat on the new server, BE SURE Tomcat on the old server is NOT running. If it is, both servers will attempt to process incoming mail messages at the same time, which will lead to unexpected/undesired results. Therefore, to avoid this problem, do the following:
- Verify that Tomcat is not running on the old server. This should be listed as Apache Tomcat 7/Tomcat8.5/Tomcat 9 (under Start -> Administrative Tools -> Services).
- Start the Tomcat on the new application server.
- Login as an Administrator on the new server and change the incoming email addresses to ones that are different than the ones used as incoming email addresses in Footprints on the old server. This step would be necessary if the new application server is designed to be used as a test/development environment. Also review the "Mass Email" settings to ensure recipients will not be getting mails from the "wrong" system.
Additionally, ensure notifications will not be sent by both systems. This includes Business Rules or any other feature that is capable of and configured to send notifications.
- The new application server is now configured to use the existing FootPrints database, or the database on the new database server.
- The old application server may be uninstalled, if desired. If it is not uninstalled, the Tomcat server should be stopped, per Step 7.
- (NOTE: This item only applies if the database of the old server was NOT moved and the database connection on the new application server was configured to point to the currently existing database server.)
The database and database logins created by the new FootPrints installation on the new application server may be removed since the new application server is now using the currently existing database. |