How can I ensure a customer or non contact customer can create or update a ticket by email? |
NOTE: Following the release of Footprints 12.1.01, there is a new feature in the "Incoming Email (Workspace)" page. The option is to designate respective fields to put the incoming "From" address, like "Email Address", and the incoming CC values, like "CC Email Address". To allow contacts to update the ticket by email, please change the customer workspace Role permissions to allow "Edit" to the fields selected for this data. This also applies to the "Default User" role discussed below. ________________________________________________________________________________ When configuring the incoming email in FootPrints, the system requires a customer user that has rights to the container you are adding the email account for. The "Default User" must be a customer that has a container role permissions to create and edit any "Ticket". It is strongly recommended to add a new workspace customer role with unrestricted permissions to view or edit a "Ticket" for the "Default User". When using the default role, "Request Read/Submit/Edit", the "Item Permissions" for the Item edit rights can create an error email when trying to update an existing ticket. The error email body: The Ticket #XXX could not be updated. Error: Access denied. Cause: SecurityServiceException. Try again later or contact your Administrator for assistance. There are are several possible causes for an agent or customer to get this message: 1. The Administration>System Management>Email Settings>Incoming Email (Workspace) may have restrictions on whom can reply and edit by email. Setting every thing to "Yes" is the most permissive. 2. The email is not from a sender that has permissions to edit the ticket. The system is going to look for a match of the "FROM" email address to any of the "Users" email addresses. If it finds a match, it will use the role permissions of the sender on the edit. If the sender is not the contact or the submitter, the default "Item Permissions" view and edit item rights can generate the error message. If the sender is a CC, they are not considered the contact, and cannot update with the default item edit permissions. Enabling "All Items" for both Viewing and Edit Item will ensure the sender has permissions to update any "Ticket". But, if they login, they will be able to see all items and edit them. 3. If the system does not find a match in the users table for the senders "From" address, it will use the permissions of the "Default User" workspace role. It is strongly recommended to create a new workspace customer role to ensure "Anyone" can edit the ticket by email. When adding or copying the new role, you will need to change the default users role item permissions to the format below, allowing Viewing and Edit Item to be "All Items". I recommend creating a unique Role for the default user so the regular customer roles are not modified. Also, edit the field permissions to allow edit to all fields in the item.
Please ensure all of the email templates include this if you want to allow the customer or agent to update the ticket by email. Due to the flexibility of Footprints 12, the Ticket= value may be different. Please test for the correct value in your configuration. |