This article will describe how to run the FootPrints Service Core Migration Advisor in silent mode from the command line of a system that does not support a graphical user interface (GUI). By default the FootPrints Service Core Migration Advisor shows a graphical user interface (GUI) when it is run. Some Linux and Windows systems do not have support for a GUI installed. Migration Advisor may still be used in these environments by running the tool in silent mode. Silent mode requires the manual configuration of an "options" file which contains answers to all the questions the GUI would normally ask. Once started, the Migration Advisor will continue without the need for any user interaction. Silent mode is invoked from the command line. The user running the silent install should be familiar with issuing commands from the command line in the environment where FootPrints Service Core Migration Advisor will be run. Additionally, these steps must be performed with full Administrator privileges. When running on a headless Linux system, you may see this error: Running with DISPLAY environment variable set to: localhost:0.0 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 12333 (Jan 01 2016 01:09:50.037 PM -0600),SEVERE,com.bmc.install.product.base.project.runner.ProjectRunner, THROWABLE EVENT {Description=[Error]}, Throwable=[java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment |